Happy Eid al-Adha Most Gracious Royal Highness!
We, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid's most faithful and dutiful subjects, humbly convey our sincere regards to Your Royal Highness on Eid al-Adha.
With all our hearts, souls and minds, we express our gratitude for Your Royal Highness’ outstanding service to Your Nation and the World at large.
Our heartiest hope that Your Royal Highness may long persevere to enjoy good health, peace and happiness in your heart, in your affections, in your relationships, in your daily activities, literally, in each part of your life.
The most important Islamic feast Eid al-Adha, or the Day of Sacrifice, honours the prophet Abraham for offering to sacrifice his son to God. In observance of this feast, Muslims older than 18 years can choose to sacrifice a young and healthy animal. The meat is divided into three portions, one is given to extended family and friends and a second to the less fortunate members of the community. The third portion is kept by the person who sacrifices the animal and eaten over the three-day festival.
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